Does ever dream come true? Yes it does, believe me.
Salesforce1 opens up a gateway to infinite opportunities and innovations.
4 Cities: London, New York, Los Angeles & Bangalore;
$50,000 in Prizes;
12 Winners....
Being one of the winners is really a matter of profound happiness and achievement.
The moment captured @ hackathon for winning 3rd Prize for building "Clients News Tracker" Salesforce1 mobile application.
The selection criteia was based on 4 parameters:
- Innovation
- Business Potential
- User Experience
- Use of Salesforce platform and mobile technology
Day 1
Every team had to submit their ideas and then vote for others. Top 30 teams getting most number of votes were allowed to move to next round of Salesforce1 mobile app development.
The hackathon team had created one private GitHub repository for committing our projects. The window for committing our projects used to open only once a day. So altogether we had to do 3 commits. Team failing to commit within that time window would be disqualified.
Day 2
Whole day & night [24X7] every team was dedicated to building, analyzing their applications. In between the hackathon team kept on organizing various fun activities to keep the participants active and jovial.
Day 3
The D-day finally had arrived. Every team had to do final commit between 11 PM to 2 PM. After that they had to prepare presentations and rehearse. Because each team had to complete their App Demo within 3 minutes including ppt, app description and demo followed by a 2 minutes questions raised by the judges.
Finally the time had knocked our doors: It was 7 PM and it seemed like a lull before the storm.
Since a video says a thousand words than a sentence. Here goes that precious moments.. Click to View. and my team with the prize on twitter.
Salesforce Summer of Hacks provided a unique platform for Salesforce1 enthusiasts to showcase their talents and unleash their million dollars ideas. We witnessed lots of cool apps and believed that yes with Salesforce1, mobile apps can be built more quickly and make our customers happy.
Starting my IT career with CRM in a global organization like Thomson Reuters has always been enriching and learning experience for me.
Participating in various Salesforce meetups, Seminars and other discussions has always helped me expand my sphere of influence and getting continuous accolades from my team and friends has kepy my morale high. I sense the same team here in CSC.
Looking forward to achieving more milestones and continuing my journey to learning in this new organization as well.
Way to go !