Keeping the momentum with the previous two blog-posts Part - 1 and Part - 2 , here I would like to cover the way to write Dynamic SOQL/SOSL/DML.
Creation of SOQL/SOSL/SObjects at the runtime with Apex code is referred to as Dynamic SOQL/SOSL/DML which can be used to create more flexible applications like creating a search based on end user's input.
Database query methods are used to create a dynamic SOQL.
Return a single sObject when query comes back with one record
sObject s = Database.query(query_string_limit_1);
Return a list of sObjects when query comes back with more than one record
List listSObject = Database.query(query_string);
Points to remember(SOQL)
- We can use simple bind variables in dynamic SOQL query strings.
String sTestString = 'Test Name';
List listSObject = Database.query('Select Id from MyCustomObject__c where Name =: sTestString');
- Unlike inline SOQL, Dynamic SOQL can't use bind variable fields in the query string.
MyCustomObject__c oCustomObject = new MyCustomObject__c(field1__c = 'TestField');
List listSObject = Database.query('Select Id from MyCustomObject__c where field1__c =: oCustomObject.field1__c');
MyCustomObject__c oCustomObject = new MyCustomObject__c(field1__c = 'TestField');
String myField = oCustomObject.field1__c;
List listSObject = Database.query('Select Id from MyCustomObject__c where field1__c =' + myField');
Search query methods are used to create a dynamic SOSL.
- > myQuery = search.query(SOSL_search_string);
String searchquery = 'FIND \'Edge*\' IN ALL FIELDS RETURNING Account(id,name),Contact, Lead';
- > searchList = search.query(searchquery);
Points to remember(SOSL)
- Dynamic SOSL statements evaluate to a list of lists of sObjects, where each list contains the search results for a particular sObject type.
- The result lists are always returned in the same order as they were specified in the dynamic SOSL query.
- From the example above, the results from Account are first, then Contact, then Lead.
We can also create sObjects dynamically and insert them into the database using DML.
//Get a new Account
Account A = new Account();
//Get the token for that Account
Schema.sObjectType tokenA = oAccount.getSObjectType();
// Error because the token is a generic object, not ac Account
Account B = tokenA.newSObject();
//Correct way
Account B = (Account) tokenA.newSObject();
public class DynamicSObjectCreation{
public static SObject createObject(String sObjectTypeName){
Schema.SObjectType objectType = Schema.getGlobalDescribe().get(sObjectTypeName);
if(objectType == null){
// throw an exception
// instantiate an SObject with the type passed in as an argument at run time
return objectType.newSObject();
Points to remember(DML)
- To create a new sObject of a given type, use the newSObject() method on an sObject token.
- The token must be cast into a concrete sObject type (such as Account).